3. digital new art award
„1999 Between the times 2000“
in the categories Stills & Movies
On the threshold of a new millennium men are moved by very different things. Feelings, like curiosity, tension, grief and thoughts about the new and the old awake. At the same time such a turning point tempts to take a look in the past and in the future. Culture, technology, history, economy – a variety of impressions, experiences and sensations- all of them can be expressed with Digital Art. This is the reason why the theme „1999 between the times 2000“ was chosen.
Closing Date: June 15, 1999
- the content´s relevance to the stated theme
- artistic and creative innovation
- form and technical quality of composition
- Tomaso Carnetto, Suvervisor of the „Fachbereich Interaktive Medien“ at the FAKD, Frankfurt
- Dr. Claudia Härtl-Kasulke, Art historian and management consultant at „Kunst Kultur + Kommunikation“, Dietzenbach
- Claudia Herbst, Artist and Assistant Professor at the Pratt Institute New York
- Greg Lam Niemeyer, Digital Art Center, Stanford University California
- Bernhard Serexhe, Supervisor of Museum Communication, “Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie“ (ZKM), Karlsruhe
Prizes Stills
1. Prize: Single exhibition and PR
2. Prize: Cash prize in the amount of 1.000 DM
3. Prize: Cash prize in the amount of 500 DM
Prize 4-15: Public recognition in the community exhibition „1999 Between the times 2000“
Prizes Movies
1. Prize: Cash prize in the amount of 1.500 DM
2. Prize: Cash prize in the amount of 1.000 DM
3. Prize: Cash prize in the amount of 500 DM
Prize 4-15: Public recognition in the community exhibition „1999 Between the times 2000“