Lebensraum - Living Room
from international students of photography
Vernissage on 30.08.2012
Rödermark, July 2012. The art- and cultural initiative of the Videor E. Hartig GmbH opens the exhibition „TANDEM / Lebensraum – Living Room“, a German-American group exhibition with twelve students (Project class photography) of the artist, curator and associate professor Sandra Mann, Academy of Visual Arts/ Frankfurter Akademie für Kommunikation und Design Frankfurt, Germany (www.academy-of-visual-arts.de) and twelve students of the artist and associate professor Ichiro Irie, Santa Monica College Art Mentor Programm (AMP), Los Angeles, USA. (www.smc.edu)
A tandem already creates eagerness: two drivers, one vehicle. And what is happening then? Two artist groups, two continents, two cultures, two terms, one question: What direction is this tandem taking?
Lebensraum – living room – these terms are also creating eagerness: two familiar terms you don´t have to think about. But how fast is this familiarity disappearing if
you do so?
"Lebensraum" is the literal translation of the word “living-room”, but "Lebensraum" actually means: biotope, habitat, living space, or living environment. The correct translation of “living room” as it is referred to in English is instead “Wohnzimmer” or „Stube“. “Wohnzimmer” and "Lebensraum" are therefore not synonymous.
The main topic is the relation between allegories, words, symbols and their meaning. The artists of this binational project are visually dealing with this variable interpretive topic and present their personal image conception characterized by their different cultural imprint.
Artists from Frankfurt to Los Angeles
Susanne Melanie Berry (USA), Nora Fischer, Randall Foster (USA), Helen Geisler (USA), Philomena Gottschlich, Claudia Hirsch (USA), Dasha Ivashin (USA), Brian Thomas Jones (USA), Ely Joteva (USA), Elyse Reardon-Jung (USA), Leonardo Kawa, Lucas Kazansky (USA), Maximilian Köhler, Quinne Larson (USA), Immanuel Lindenfeld, Benjamin Lüdtke, Jennifer Neumann, Richard Pruss, Sarah Lerina Riedmann (USA), Sandra Schmidbaur, Malte Staupendahl, Jason Michael Stepina (USA), Konstantin Stojanov, Melanie Zensner.
Introduction to the exhibition and works: Sandra Mann
On the occasion of the exhibition there is released a catalogue, generated with the support of the Videor Art Foundation.
Attendants can visit the exhibition from August 31, 2012 until October 05, 2012.
Videor Art Foundation
Kirstin Trefz-Herd, Management
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 8 ● 63322 Rödermark
Telephone: +49 6074 888 209
Fax: + 49 6074 888 10
Opening hours:
Mo–Fr: 9 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Fr: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.