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B. Felician Siebrecht

1968 born in Frankfurt am Main
The artist is living and working in Iserlohn, Germany


1984-85 Classes with the graphic artist H. Buschmann, Frankfurt


Studies at the "Goethe Universität" Frankfurt
art education, Religion Sciences, Psychology
Abandonment after the fourth semester in Frankfurt, move to Dortmund.

1993 First contact with Media arts and Computer graphics

1989-94 Studies of "Freie Malerei" at the "Assenza Hochschule Dortmund/Kamp-Lintfort"
Study visits in Switzerland, Tessin and Denmark

1994 Diploma to the topic "Rot und Blau in Beziehung"

1994 Apprenticeship to Media Designer
Big concern in interactive art, emphasis on dealing with programming

1995 Degree in interactive applicance for the Media art project "Das Ruhrwerk" (Folkwang Hochschule Essen)

Seit 1995 freelance artist, designer, programmer
Media devolopper among others for Artemedia GmbH (Dortmund),
FELDMANN media group (Düsseldorf)

2004 Foundation of the "Künstlerhauses "R100" " in Iserlohn
together with the painter, media artist and the sculptor Karl-Ludger Pempeit


Single exhibitions


Kulturzentrum Bahnhof Langendreer

1992 ZVEI: Frankfurt Main

1993 Frauen Kultur Zentrum / Adlerstraße Dortmund

1994 GIB Bottrop

Seit 2000 Online exhibition with net- and programming art works, e.g. kunstdeszufalls.de, Piano.Mat, Dada Maschine ...

2002 "13+" Dortmunder Atelierausstellung

2003 "Gesicht.et - Digitale Portraits" Frankfurt Main, Kanzlei Schimmel und Buhlmann

2005 R100 exhibition with Digital.Art, Sculpture and Media art in Iserlohn
Digital.Art exhibition during the "5. Dortmunder Museums-nacht"Hinz und Kunst" Markt" in the Depot Dortmund

2006 "Bilder von der Ober[Fläche]" DigitalART, Rödermark

Group exhibitions

Vor 2005 Attendance at different group exhibitions in the "Ruhrgebiet" and the Netherlands among others together with the art group "Farbraum" Dortmund
2005 "R100" Hausausstellung Digital Art, Sculpture, media art/ Iserlohn
Digital painting and photography, graphics during the "5. Dortmunder Museumsnacht / Hautfaktor"
Digitale Malerei und Photo.Grafik Hinz und Kunst Markt / Depot Dortmund


Prizes & Awards

2006 Main prize "Wiener Werkstattpreis für Fotografie 2005"


